Analysis of a post-fracture pressure buildup test with wellbore-storage distortion
qg: Gas flow rate (MSCF/day)
Bg: Gas formation Volume Factor (RB/MSCF)
pD: Dimensionless Pressure (dimensionless)
∅: Porosity (dimensionless)
ct: Compressibility (1/psi)
μ: Viscosity (cP)
h: Formation Thickness (ft)
t(L⟩D: Time of end of linear or pseudo radial flow from plot (dimensionless)
CrD: Dimensionless fracture conductivity (dimensionless)
CfD: Dimensionless Wellbore storage coefficient (dimensionless)
Lf: Length of fracture (ft)
k: Permeability (mD)
ΔtAE: Equivalent Adjusted delta time from derivative curve (h)
C: Well bore storage coefficient (bbl/psi)
wfkf: Min Fracture conductivity for infinite conductive fracture (mDft)
LfMP: Length of fracture from match point analysis (ft)
(ΔPa)MP: Adjusted Pressure difference at match point from plot (psi)
Lee, J., Rollins J.B., and Spivey J.P. 2003, Pressure Transient Testing, Vol. 9, SPE Textbook Series, Vol. 9 , Henry L. Doherty Memorial Fund of AIME, Richardson, Texas, SPE, Chapter: 6, Page: 127.