Analysis of a flow test with smoothly varying rates
t1: Time at Pwf1 from Given Values or Trendline (h)
t2: Time at Pwf2 from Given Values or Trendline (h)
q1: Flow Rate at Pwf1(STB/ day )
q2: Flow Rate at Pwf2(STB/ day )
pi: Initial Pressure (psi)
pwf2: Wellflow Pressure at Point 2 from Given Values or Trendline (psi)
pwf1: Wellflow Pressure at Point 1 from Given Values or Trendline (psi)
pwf: Pressure Value at t=1 h(psi)
q: Flow Rate (STB/day)
B: Volume Factor (RB/STB)
h: Thickness of Reservoir (ft)
μ: Viscosity of Oil (cP)
∅: Porosity (fraction)
ct: Compressibility (1/psi)
rw: Wellbore Radius (ft)
m: Slope of Line (dimensionless)
k: Permeability (mD)
s: Skin Factor (dimensionless)
m=log(t2)−log(t1)(q2pi−pwf2)−(q1pi−pwf1)k=162.6∗ B∗m∗ hμ s=1.151∗ m(qpi−pwf)1−log(∅∗μ∗ct∗rw2k)+3.23Reference(s)
Lee, J., Rollins, J. B., & Spivey, J. P. (2003). Pressure Transient Testing (Vol. 9). Richardson, Texas: Society of Petroleum Engineers, Page: 31.