Relative permeability
qo: Oil Flow Rate (cm3/s)
qw: Water Flow Rate (cm3/s)
qT: Total Flow Rate (cm3/s)
ko: Effective Permeability to Oil (mD)
kw: Effective Permeability to Water (mD)
k: Absolute Permeability (mD)
μo: Viscosity of Oil Phase (cP)
μw: Viscosity of Water Phase (cP)
P: Pressure value that read from Pressure Gauge (Atm)
L: Plug Length (cm)
A: Open-Flow Area of the Plug (cm2)
kro: Relative Permeability to Oil (mD)
krw: Relative Permeability to Water (mD)
Mihcakan, I.M., Alkan, K.H., Ugur, Z., Petroleum and Natural Gas Laboratory, Course Notes, II-Properties of Porous Media, ITU, Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering, Istanbul, Turkey, 2001. Page: 4-2.